So... after more than a year, here I am updating this blog.
A lot has happened in that year. First of all, I learned that eggs will always make me sick regardless of the processing. True story. I ate eggs at my sister's house and she raises her own chickens -no antibiotics, bleach, hormones, or processing. My stomach cramped up and I became absolutely miserable. My skin broke out. I now do not cook with eggs.
I was told by a couple men that they found my dietary restrictions odd. One even had the courtesy to put it this way: "I don't think that I'll ever have enough love you enough to endure what you go through. You can't eat out, and you can't go to a water park." Haha. One, I can eat out with limited success. Two, I never even suggested that I would expect someone else to live by the same restrictions that I do. Pardon me if I don't eat stuff I'm allergic to in your presence. You're certainly welcome to eat in front of me. Seriously. I don't care. If I wanted it badly enough, then I'd live with the consequences.
In coming posts, I shall share what I have learned about egg substitutes.