Taco Seasoning
Garlic Salt
Brown Sugar
*can substitute gluten-free flours
Instructions: Slice potatoes thinly. These will be broiled, so the potato needs to bake quickly, before the seasoning burns. Mix the seasoning mix to the desired strength. The more brown sugar, the sweeter. The more flour, the more mild... Add any spices that you think will taste great. Shake potatoes in a baggie with oil or stir in oil in a bowl. I use canola oil or better yet olive oil when I have it. After there is an even coat of oil on the potatoes, drain off any excess. Next, shake or stir in powdered seasoning mix. When there is a fairly even coat as pictured, broil on high to desired crispiness. It doesn't take long, so don't forget about them (learned from experience.) Mine are done in as little as five minutes.Left: Unbaked fries coated and spread out, ready to bake.
Right: powdered mix (this one is pretty heavy on the taco seasoning.) I add garlic and garlic salt to get enough garlic with less salt. Regular garlic and salt could be used instead. Lots of choices.
Background story: I love curly fries. Unfortunately, the seasoning mix uses bleached flour. I have decided to try to start making my own. These are pretty great! I do Bountiful Baskets, so I get a lot of great quality produce. If you live in the western United States, you should check it out. http://www.bountifulbaskets.org/ This week I got 2lbs or more of Gold Yukon Potatoes, an entire head of cauliflower, three broccoli stem things, three cucumbers, five tomatoes, apples, bananas, a cantiloupe, a head of romaine lettuce, apricots, and a pineapple for only fifteen dollars!
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